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Thank you for visiting our website. Cluj-Napoca is designed to be the one-stop-shop for news, information and events in Cluj-Napoca. We aim to expand our services to offer individuals and local businesses / services the opportunity to get connected with the people they need. We’d love to hear from you, if so if you have any suggestions, please give us a shout below!

If you’re a local business owner or service provider, and looking to feature on our website, please click here.

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Hello from Cluj XYZ—your go-to source for Cluj-Napoca news, run single-handedly with lots of love (and energy drinks).

Keeping the site ad-free means all our stories are told with only you in mind, but it comes at a cost. If you like what you see and want to help keep this labour of love going, consider a small donation.

Every bit helps keep the site running and independent.