Survey Launched to Track Discrepancies in Restaurant Food Delivery Services

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  • Survey Launched to Track Discrepancies in Restaurant Food Delivery Services
Photo: Food Delivery Apps

We invite you to take part in a survey aimed at measuring discrepancies in restaurant food delivery services across Cluj-Napoca.

This survey seeks to determine whether the items delivered match the advertised weights and quality as displayed on food delivery apps. It also assesses the adherence of delivery services to the regulations outlined in Order 201/2022 by the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC). Additionally, starting from March 15, 2023, restaurants and similar establishments in Romania are required to display the ingredients and nutritional values of the products and dishes they serve to consumers. Your valuable input will help shed light on the state of food deliveries, ensure transparency and accountability within the industry, and provide valuable insights into ingredient and nutritional value disclosures.

The survey collects the following data points:

  1. Venue/Restaurant Name: Please provide the name of the restaurant from which you placed your food delivery order.
  2. Advertised Weight: Enter the weight of the items as advertised on the food delivery app or website.
  3. Delivered Weight: Specify the weight of the items you received in your food delivery.
  4. Delivery Service Provider: Indicate the name of the company or service that delivered your order.
  5. Other Mentions: Use this space to report any additional issues you encountered during the delivery process, such as damaged packaging, inaccurate descriptions, missing items, or pricing discrepancies across different food delivery apps.
  6. Customer Feedback: Let us know if you provided feedback to either the restaurant or the delivery service provider regarding your order.
  7. ANPC Regulations Adherence: Please indicate whether you believe the restaurant and delivery service provider adhered to the regulations set forth in Order 201/2022 by the ANPC, including the display of ingredients and nutritional values.

No Personal Information is Requested as part of this survey.

Your participation in this survey is crucial in addressing the concerns surrounding food delivery services and ensuring that consumers receive the quality and quantity they expect when ordering online. By collecting data on a wide range of experiences, we can identify common issues, advocate for consumer rights, and work towards improving the overall food delivery experience.

To participate in the survey, please fill out the form below. Your contribution will help shape future policies and guidelines, promoting fair and reliable practices within the industry.

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Deposit-Return System: A saga of non-functional machines and retailers avoiding responsibility. Recycling made impossibly frustrating.
The European Commission’s 2024 Convergence Report outlines Romania’s significant hurdles in meeting the EU’s economic criteria for euro adoption.
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