Incidence Rate Down to 7.79/1000 in Cluj-Napoca. What changes to Restrictions can be expected?

Photo: COVID-19 Case Decrease Nov 2021

The COVID-19 incidence rate in Cluj-Napoca has dropped from 11.26/1000 to 7.79/1000 since November began, and a similar trend of decreasing cases can be seen across the entire country.

During the last week of October, there was a total of 86,103 newly recorded COVID-19 cases in Romania, which was still lower than previous weeks, but still worse than during the previous waves. However, on October 25th, the Government announced new restrictions, which greatly reduced the amount of activities which could be performed without the COVID-19 Green Certificate.

The decision to close schools for 2 weeks, instead of for just the 1 week holiday and nation-wide curfew from 10 PM were among the restrictions applied for 30 days from October 25th. The COVID-19 Green Certificate was also a requirement for anyone who wished to visit practically any public building or event, with the exception of grocery stores and pharmacies.

When the announcement of the new restrictions were made, it caused some division in the country, almost splitting it down to “the vaccinated” and “the unvaccinated”, which at the time, made up around 70% of the population.

However, since the restrictions entered into force, Romania saw its highest uptake in new daily vaccinations since the vaccination program began.

Daily New Vaccinations since October
Daily New Vaccinations since October. Data Source: Date La Zi.

Interestingly, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine increased significantly in popularity, making up 35.54% of the vaccines issued in the first 5 days after restrictions were introduced. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a single-dose vaccine, which means that those who receive the vaccine, will be able to generate the COVID-19 Green Certificate after only 10 days, compared to those who receive the other vaccines, which require two doses, and will have to wait for 10 days after the second dose, before they can be eligible for the Green Certificate.

Vaccine Uptake Oct 25 - Oct 30
Vaccine Uptake Oct 25 – Oct 30. Data Source: Date La Zi.

According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 37.9% of Romania's entire population (45.5% of the adult population), have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and 33.9% (41.0%) have received the full vaccination, which still sits just over 30% under the EU/EEA's average and still ranking second in the EU/EEA for vaccination uptake.

Hands Face Space

State of Alert Extended for 30 days

The National Committee for Emergency Situations extended the “State of Alert” for a further 30 days, and with it, has included the measures introduced on October 25th.

This means, that for at least 30 days from November 9th, when the extension approved, the following restrictions remain in-place:

All of the below restrictions are in addition to existing restrictions imposed in Cluj-Napoca, where the incident rate remains above 7.5/1000. For restrictions which are more relaxed than those already in place within the city, the point below is to be considered invalid, as the existing restriction in place supersedes it.

The full decision can be read here.

Protective Masks

  • Masks must cover nose and mouth
  • Mandatory in both open and closed public spaces
  • Mandatory on Public Transport
  • Mandatory in the workplace

The following people are exempted from the requirement of wearing a mask:

  • Children under the age of 5 years old
  • When they are the only person in a office
  • TV Presenters and their guests, providing a distance of at least 3 meters between people
  • Representatives of religious demonstrations during the conduct of services, providing there is at least a distance of 3 meters
  • People who perform intense physical or demanding work activity (such as high temperatures or high humidity etc.)
  • Those conducting sport activities

Travel Restrictions

The restrictions below, do not apply to individuals who have completed the full vaccination program and that at least 10 days have passed or those who have passed through the infection and are between the 15th and 180th day of the positive COVID-19 test. Evidence of vaccination or test is demonstrated through a COVID-19 vaccination certificate or printed QR code.

Unvaccinated people and even those who have completed a COVID-19 test are subject to the restrictions below, between the hours of 10:00 PM and 5:00 AM:

  • Obligated to generate a “Statement of Own Responsibility” (Download Here).
  • Travel for only the following reasons:
    • Travel for work and able to present a service card or certificate issued by the employer
    • Travel for medical assistance which cannot be postponed or performed remotely
    • Travel for for the purchase of medicines that cannot be postponed or delivered
    • Those travelling to a pre-arranged departure, such as bus, train or coach, which can supported by a ticket or booking pass
    • Travel for vaccination
    • The care or accompaniment of a child
    • Providing assistance to the elderly, sick or disabled person
    • The death of a family member
    • To protect life or to prevent injury in the case of serious and imminent danger and calling the emergency services (112)
    • Organising the work schedule for remote work for at least 50% of employees

Stores and Services

  • People are permitted to enter grocery stores and pharmacies without a “Green Certificate”
  • Children are permitted to enter grocery stores and pharmacies without a “Green Certificate” only when accompanied by an adult who has a green certificate
  • Stores are open between 5:00 AM and 9:00 PM. After 9:00 PM, only home delivery is permitted
  • Limit of 30% capacity both indoors and outdoors for events organised and carried out by:
    • Museums
    • Libraries
    • Book Stores
    • Cinemas
    • Film and AV production studios
    • Performance / Concert institutions
    • Art and Craft Schools
    • Gyms and Fitness Venues
    • Gambling Venues
    • Indoor Swimming Pools
    • Playgrounds for Children
    • Game Rooms
    • Fairs and Markets

Pharmacies, gas stations, home delivery services, couriers and public transport drivers may carry out activities in compliance with the health and sanitation norms.

Private Events

Private events, such as weddings, baptisms and festive meals, etc. are not allowed.

Bars and Clubs

Closed for 30 days

Restaurants, Cafes and Terraces

Access is only permitted between 5:00 AM and 9:00 PM and only to those who have been fully vaccinated or have passed through the disease. Evidence will be requested in order to access the venue or facilities.

Competitions and Sports Activities

  • Can take place but without spectators
  • Recreational activities can take place outdoors with up to 10 people who do not live together
  • Only people who have been fully vaccinated or who have passed through the disease can participate without a mask

Cultural, Artistic and Entertainment Events

Shows, such as concerts and festivals etc., both private or public are not permitted, except those which have been specially designated as performance and / or concert institutions.

Only those who have been fully vaccinated or who have passed through the disease are permitted access.

Courses, Workshops and Conferences

Are not permitted during the course of these restrictions.

Rallies & Demonstrations

Can take place wit up to 100 people, all of which are required to wear a protective mask and have completed the vaccination program or have passed through the disease.

Hotels, B&Bs and Tourist Accommodation

Accommodation can only be offered to those who have been fully vaccinated or are going through the disease.

Religious Services

Services can be carried out both inside or outside the place of workshop as long as each person is wearing a protective mask and that at least 2sqm of space is provided, per person.


Education, after-school activities and nurseries can continue within educational units / institutions in compliance with the prevention methods established by the joint order of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

Also, in the event that there are 3 cases of COVID-19 being detected within an interval of 7 days in spaces which are intended as accommodation of pupils or students, the building will be closed. In situations where pupils or students do not have the possibility to return home or to another location, then the educational unit will be responsible to allow those to remain accommodated, but in quarantine conditions and to provide support of their basic needs.

Restrictions Specific to Cluj-Napoca

As Cluj-Napoca is still above 7.5/1000, the restrictions imposed under the State of Alert are technically supplemented. However, at the moment, the curfew is in-place from 8 PM through 5 AM throughout the entire week. If conditions continue to improve, then this is expected to be adjusted to 10 PM through 5 AM, in-line with the restrictions imposed by the State of Alert.

Update to Our COVID-19 Resources

Initially, the restrictions introduced on October 25th 2021, were set to last for a fixed period of 30 days, with the possibility of extension. However, due to the fact that these restrictions have been incorporated into the “State of Alert”, this appears to have automatically extended to 30 days from November 9th, 2021.

Until now, we did not update the COVID-19 restrictions table, as it was considered a temporary measure as a response to the large increase of case numbers, but this appears to no longer be the case. As such, we will be updating that resource to reflect the new “minimum” restrictions applied at a national level, as well as any measures taken at a local level.

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Romania launches a new platform to report aggressive driving, aiming to tackle the EU’s highest road fatality rate and promote safer driving practices.
The European Commission has suspended €300 million in funding for the Cluj-Napoca metro project due to transparency issues, raising concerns about potential corruption.
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