“Health Ticket” for Free Transport on Buses in Cluj-Napoca

Photo: Free Bus Tickets – Health Ticket – Cluj-Napoca

Last year over 55,000 bus tickets were dispensed free of charge from a special “Health Station” installed at the Memorandumului Sud bus stop The “Health Ticket” was deemed such a success, that it has returned.

The special “Health Station” aims to encourage everyone to find ways to introduce sports into their daily routine. After 20 knee-bends, monitored by a camera inside the station, it will dispense a bus ticket, which is valid on all lines within Cluj-Napoca for 7 days.

In total, there were over 1 million knee-bends and over 55,000 bus tickets provided to the people of Cluj, free of charge. The city aims to beat this record this year and continue to promote sport and sustainable mobility.

The initiative of the SportsFestival team is financially supported by the City Hall and the Cluj-Napoca Local Council (Primaria Cluj-Napoca), together with the Cluj-Napoca Public Transport Company (CTP), and the cost of free tickets for citizens will be supported by a number of private partners, starting with Sykes, who are an American outsourcing provider, headquartered in Tampa, Florida.

More information regarding the Health Ticket can be found here: https://www.sportsfestival.com/biletul-de-sanatate/

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