Community Standards

There are 10 simple guidelines which we expect all participants in the community areas of the website to abide by, all of which directly inform our approach to community moderation (detailed below). These apply across the site, while moderation decisions are also informed by the context in which comments are made.

1 – No Trolling or Personal Attacks

We welcome you to provide your opinion, or enter into debate, however, personal attacks (against authors, businesses, organisation or other community users), trolling and abuse will not be tolerated.

2 – Do not misrepresent us

We welcome criticism and acknowledge that people want to discuss our content, however, we will not allow any misrepresentation of, our authors or contributors to be published on our website.

3 – Do not be offensive or threatening

We understand that people often feel strongly about particular subjects or issues debated on our website, however, we will consider not publishing and removing any content that may be highly offensive to others, or considered threatening.

4 – Think before you write

Our website is a place for everyone to come and enjoy rich content. If we identify discussions which descend into “flame-wars” based on generalisations, we will likely redirect or remove these discussions to maintain a constructive environment for our readers.

5 – No Hate-Speech

We have a zero-tolerance approach to racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of hate-speech. This includes contributions that could be interpreted as hate-speech towards, but not limited to, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age.

We will remove any content which may result in legal action against us or any of our contributors. This includes potentially libellous, defamatory postings or material posted in breach of copyright.

7 – No commercial or spam posts

Our website is designed to service the community, whilst representing local businesses or organisations fairly. Articles or submissions which are clearly commercialised or otherwise spam-like will not be published on our website, neither do we accept community contributions which are not accurate representations of a particular business, individual or organisation.

8 – Stay on-topic

Conversations have the tendency to be wide-ranging, but off-topic discussions will be removed in order to preserve the quality of the content offered on our website. This also applies to any comments or feedback delivered by visitors or community contributors.

9 – Be clear about what you are saying.

You should be aware that you could be misunderstood, so you should try to be clear about exactly what you are saying and understand that people may interpret your contribution differently than you intended. People cannot hear your voice or may not identify sarcasm or humour through the text that you write.

10 – We welcome everybody

Although this is our platform, we want this to be a welcoming space for intelligent discussions and we expect participants and contributors to help us maintain this by notifying us of any potential issues or discussions that go against our community standards.