
Not quite news, but quite worth knowing.

The City Hall, looking towards Piata Lucian Blaga

What if the Entire Centre was without Cars?

Driven by curiosity, we explored entirely closing the centre of Cluj-Napoca to traffic, creating pedestrian spaces with new tram lines, green areas, and time for trees to mature.

Cluj in 2002 - Mihai Cuibus 66

How Did Cluj Look 20 Years Ago?

On 3rd and 4th of September 2002, Mihai Cuibus, a resident of Cluj-Napoca, took his first digital camera out to the streets of the city.

Things I've Learned About Romania

Things I Learned About Romania – Volume IV – by Ingo Tegge

After having spent more than five years in Romania, Ingo Tegge decided to collect all the weird, funny, and astonishing facts that he’s learned about this country.

Things I Learned About Romania: VOLUME THREE BY INGO TEGGE

Things I Learned About Romania – Volume III – by Ingo Tegge

After having spent more than five years in Romania, Ingo Tegge decided to collect all the weird, funny, and astonishing facts that he’s learned about this country.

11sqm Apartment Cluj

11sqm Apartment for €200 Resulted in Hilarious Responses.

This 11sqm apartment post, has some of the best comments. The apartment has been rented now, but the legacy will live on.

Apartament cu 3 camere in zona Horea

House of Horrors – Latest Example of Real Estate Madness in Cluj

€165,000 for a 3-room apartment in tragic condition.

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