Average Apartment Prices at All-Time High in Cluj

Photo: Apartment Block in Cluj-Napoca

Real Estate Consultancy firm compariimobiliare.ro has reported that during 2022, Cluj-Napoca's apartment prices were averaging around €2,261 per square meter, which is an all-time high.

Anyone hoping that the prices will begin to come down, especially in light of the economic pressures, inflation and spiralling cost of living will be disappointed, as experts predict that the number will continue to increase.

The cost per square meter increased by €284 compared to the same period in the previous year with Manastur and Gheorgheni being the most preferred areas to live in Cluj-Napoca, according to data provided by Stiridecluj.ro. Floresti was also an appealing choice for those looking to buy a property at an average of around €1497/sqm.

Searches by number of rooms:

  • 2 rooms – 47%
  • 3 rooms – 37%
  • 1 room – 9%
  • 4 rooms – 7%

Most searched areas:

  • Manastur – 14%
  • Floresti – 10%
  • Gheorgheni – 8%
  • Marasti – 7%
  • Zorilor – 6%
  • Central – 5%
  • Dambul Rotund – 3%
  • Intre Lacuri – 3%
  • Grigorescu – 2%
  • Buna Ziua – 2%

Average Price by Zone for Purchase in Cluj-Napoca

  • Aeroport €1724/sqm
  • Andrei Muresanu €2750/sqm
  • Apahida €1271/sqm
  • Aurel Vlaicu €2355/sqm
  • Baciu €1647/sqm
  • Borhanci €2451/sqm
  • Bulgaria €2345/sqm
  • Buna Ziua €2587/sqm
  • Calea Turzii €2657/sqm
  • Campului €2218/sqm
  • Central €2307/sqm
  • Dambul Rotund €2112/sqm
  • Donath Park €2142/sqm
  • Est €2222/sqm
  • Europa €2830/sqm
  • Exterior Vest €2076/sqm
  • Floresti €1497/sqm
  • Gara €2272/sqm
  • Gheorgheni €2542/sqm
  • Grigorescu €2489/sqm
  • Gruia €2302/sqm
  • Horea €2457/sqm
  • Intre Lacuri €2596/sqm
  • Iris €2377/sqm
  • Manastur €2140/sqm
  • Marasti €2390/sqm
  • Nord €2153/sqm
  • Nord-Vest €2041/sqm
  • P-ta Mihai Viteazul €2604/sqm
  • Plopilor €2500/sqm
  • Sannicoara €1735/sqm
  • Semicentral €2537/sqm
  • Someseni €2357/sqm
  • Sopor €2767/sqm
  • Sud €2319/sqm
  • Sud-Est €2513/sqm
  • Ultracentral €3283/sqm
  • Valea Chintaului €1510/sqm
  • Vest €2111/sqm
  • Zorilor €2578/sqm

Data Source: https://compariimobiliare.ro/pret-imobil/cluj from Jan 7th 2023

The highest price per square meter was recorded in the centre, with an average of €3,283/sqm for properties considered “Ultra-Central”, however most other areas haven't dropped below €2,200/sqm. The only time prices drop below €2,000 are for areas directly outside or on the outskirts of the city, such as Apahida, Floresti and Aeroport. These areas are typically less desirable due to congestion and issues with infrastructure.

There are plans to introduce significant improvements to infrastructure in theses areas with the introduction of the metropolitan train and metropolitan belt in the coming years.


Rental prices across the city have been pretty stable with the average in the centre being €10 per square meter and down to €6 per square meter in Floresti.

Average Monthly Rent by Zone in Cluj-Napoca

  • Andrei Muresanu €10/sqm
  • Baciu €7/sqm
  • Borhanci €7/sqm
  • Buna Ziua €10/sqm
  • Calea Turzii €8/sqm
  • Central €10/sqm
  • Dambul Rotund €8/sqm
  • Europa €10/sqm
  • Floresti €6/sqm
  • Gara €7/sqm
  • Gheorgheni €9/sqm
  • Grigorescu €7/sqm
  • Intre Lacuri €9/sqm
  • Iris €7/sqm
  • Manastur €7/sqm
  • Marasti €8/sqm
  • P-ta Mihai Viteazul €10/sqm
  • Plopilor €9/sqm
  • Semicentral €10/sqm
  • Someseni €8/sqm
  • Sopor €10/sqm
  • Zorilor €9/sqm

Data Source: https://compariimobiliare.ro/pret-imobil/cluj from Jan 7th 2023

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Deposit-Return System: A saga of non-functional machines and retailers avoiding responsibility. Recycling made impossibly frustrating.
The European Commission’s 2024 Convergence Report outlines Romania’s significant hurdles in meeting the EU’s economic criteria for euro adoption.
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