Parliament Vote Approves New Government
Following 2 months of political crisis in Romania the Parliament voted successfully for a new Government.
Following 2 months of political crisis in Romania the Parliament voted successfully for a new Government.
Florin Cîţu has been expelled from government following a no-confidence motion, fuelling what is an already a political crisis.
Over the last year, energy prices have increased by around 20-25% and are expected to continue increasing over winter due to Romania needing to import to cover the country’s consumption.
Following 2 months of political crisis in Romania the Parliament voted successfully for a new Government.
Florin Cîţu has been expelled from government following a no-confidence motion, fuelling what is an already a political crisis.
Over the last year, energy prices have increased by around 20-25% and are expected to continue increasing over winter due to Romania needing to import to cover the country’s consumption.
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