Bus Ticket Prices to Increase from July 1st 2022

Starting from July 1st, there will be a number of price increases for people using public transport. The price increases affect both individual tickets, as well as subscriptions.

Individual Tickets

TypeCurrent PriceNew Price
Single Trip2.50 lei3.00 lei
Two-Trip Ticket5.00 lei6.00 lei
“30 minute” Ticket2.50 lei3.00 lei
“60 minute” Ticket5.00 lei6.00 lei
Night Ticket4.00 lei5.00 lei


TypeCurrent PriceNew Price
One-Day Subscription (all lines)14.00 lei20.00 lei
Three-Day Subscription (all lines)23.00 lei33.00 lei
One-Line Weekly Subscription20.00 lei26.00 lei
Two-Line Weekly Subscription32.00 lei41.00 lei
Weekly Subscription (all lines)45.00 lei57.00 lei
One-Line Monthly Subscription70.00 lei90.00 lei
Two-Line Monthly Subscription95.00 lei122.00 lei
Personal Monthly Subscription (all lines)138.00 lei177.00 lei
Non-Personal Monthly Subscription (all lines)168.00 lei214.00 lei
One-Line Elderly, Pensioner & Honorary Citizens Monthly Subscription31.50 lei40.00 lei
Elderly, Pensioner & Honorary Citizens Monthly Subscription (all lines)62.10 lei78.00 lei
120-Trip Adult Student Ticket70.00 lei88.00 lei
120-Trip Child Student Ticket51.00 lei65.00 lei

The fine for travelling without a ticket will change from 50.00 lei to 70.00 lei.

There is no indication that the “Green Friday” initiative will come to an end as a result of these ticket price increases and people in Cluj-Napoca will continue to benefit from free transport on Fridays.

Why are prices increasing?

Prices in Cluj-Napoca were previously increased by 25% in 2018. CTP, the company which operates the public transport services in Cluj-Napoca, explained that the increase of prices comes in response to the fact that electricity supply prices increased by 135.8%, ie from 405.90 lei mWh to 957.23 mWh.

In a statement, CTP management said,

This increase in the purchase price leads to an increase in electricity costs for passenger transport activity in the municipality compared to November 2021 as follows: by 110.03% in December 2021, by 178% in January 2022 and by 74.46% in February 2022. Another element of expenses with growth forecast in 20222 is the expenditure on fuels, where the company estimates an average increase of 37.8% compared to the budget estimate.

When analysing the material expenditures, directly influenced by the increase of inflation, it is estimated an increase of approximately 2 million lei compared to the budget estimate. The total eligible costs of the company in November 2021 were 10.46 million lei, of which, at a number of 11,605,982 trips and taking into account a reasonable profit of 32,605 lei, it generated an average cost per trip of 0.9 lei. The increase by 14.30% of the total costs in December 2021 compared to November 2021 generated an average cost per trip of 1.06 lei

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Cluj-Napoca enforces new safety rules for food couriers, requiring reflective gear and proper lighting. Firms must comply by 15 February or face fines.
As reckless driving dominates headlines in Cluj-Napoca, Romania’s fixed speed cameras offer hope for stricter traffic enforcement.