Explosion at Pensiune kills 1 person and seriously injures 2 others
A gas explosion was reported at a Pensiunea in the early hours of the morning on Strada Dunării.
A gas explosion was reported at a Pensiunea in the early hours of the morning on Strada Dunării.
Prime Minister Florin Cîțu has fired both the head of National Agency for Quality Management in Health and also the manager of the manager of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanța, following a deadly fire which broke out in the ICU today (Friday October 1st, 2021). The third fatal fire at a hospital in the past 12 months.
A large fire has broken out in the Tetarom area of Cluj-Napoca. ISU has advised that you should close windows and do not leave your home, unless absolutely necessary due to the smoke, which can be seen over the entire city.
There’s a number of ways your new home might be heated, find out more about the types of heating systems in Cluj in this article.
A gas explosion was reported at a Pensiunea in the early hours of the morning on Strada Dunării.
Prime Minister Florin Cîțu has fired both the head of National Agency for Quality Management in Health and also the manager of the manager of the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanța, following a deadly fire which broke out in the ICU today (Friday October 1st, 2021). The third fatal fire at a hospital in the past 12 months.
A large fire has broken out in the Tetarom area of Cluj-Napoca. ISU has advised that you should close windows and do not leave your home, unless absolutely necessary due to the smoke, which can be seen over the entire city.
There’s a number of ways your new home might be heated, find out more about the types of heating systems in Cluj in this article.
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