Aaron Roberts

My name is Aaron Roberts and I'm the founder of ClujXYZ.com. I've lived in Cluj-Napoca since 2014 and must say, I absolutely love this city! I'm also a photographer and share my love of the world through my lens! There are many reasons as to why I've decided to set up this website, but it's mainly to ensure that everyone who visits Cluj can get all of the information they need, and in English! Thanks for taking the time to view my articles and I hope they've been helpful!


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Hello from Cluj XYZ—your go-to source for Cluj-Napoca news, run single-handedly with lots of love (and energy drinks).

Keeping the site ad-free means all our stories are told with only you in mind, but it comes at a cost. If you like what you see and want to help keep this labour of love going, consider a small donation.

Every bit helps keep the site running and independent.